A Joyful Challenge

A Joyful Challenge

  • When you feel like giving up…
  • When you feel your patience draining out like a waterfall…
  • When you feel like there is nothing left inside of you to do what needs to be done…
  • Just Stop…
  • Pray…
  • Look for what you can’t see with your eyes…
  • ” See” the LIGHT of God’s everlasting, unfailing, unchanging LOVE and “KEEP WALKING” by FAITH!
  • God has us in HIS hands and HE will not let us drown! Just when we think we’re drowing, HE always lifts us up! HIS timing is not always our preference but HIS timing is always best and ALWAYS RIGHT ON TIME!

STOP AND PRAY CHALLENGE: When feelings of negativity (darkness) cloud your mind, ask God (OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN!) to fill you with the fruit of HIS SPIRIT (who lives inside of us!): love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance ❤