Part of the Moments / Wife Moments

Wife Moments

Marriage is a blessing from God!

It’s an example of Christ and the church!

See the end of Ephesians 5 (v. 22-33) for Scripture reference.

I’m so thankful that God gives us someone to love and have a family with during our time here on this earth.

Since being married, God is helping me learn to be humble and more compromising.
I’ve also learned that I have a lot of selfish tendencies that do not work well when building a life with someone.

It’s interesting because I use to just pray for God help my husband see how wrong he is on certain things but that’s just not true. I am not perfect. There are so many things that I could do differently daily to love the way God explains love to us in I Corinthians 13. My husband is God’s child as well, and truthfully speaking…my brother in Christ! God is forgiving and gives us grace day after day after day. This is the one thing that always comes to mind when I feel like I want to hold a grudge or have an attitude with my husband over something silly. It’s like….how can I be that way with one of God’s children when He is never that way with us?

I find myself praying a lot differently these days. I pray for God to help me give grace, forgiveness and for Him to work things out for His glory!

And you know what, God ALWAYS helps us work it out! We are only strong through Him Who loves us!

Grace, Forgiveness & Patience!

Such a good posture to be able to move forward and grow together in marriage!