Mom Moments / Part of the Moments

Mom Moments


On Monday, I thought to myself…let me warm up the chicken on low. I’ll turn it off before I leave for school pick up!

[After school pick up & 3 hungry children later (I really gotta start bringing an after school snack)]

Sooo…I decide to randomly treat the kids to an after school donut! Why not!

After that…my brain is like…let’s stop by and visit my parents for a bit since we haven’t seen them all weekend!

[1 hour later…]

We walk in the door to an awful burnt chicken smell….

Oh no!

Looks like we won’t be having chicken in the pasta tonight kids!

The pasta actually came out really good without it!

Bottom line is….I’m just really thankful that God watched over our home while we were away. This could’ve turned out so much worse than it did! I’m thankful that God is full of mercy and grace for His children. Sometimes, the little things like this (well okay this was a BIG thing!) remind me how much God watches over and care for us. This mom is thankful today and everyday for His everlasting grace and mercy!