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ADHD Moments – Where Does the Time Go?

It’s Saturday!


This will be the day I get SOOO MUCH done!

1. Wash ALL of the laundry AND put it away!

2. Stop by and say hello to my parents!

3. Grocery shopping with the kids!

4. Make dinner before my husband gets home from work!

5. Clean up the ENTIRE basement!

A Few ADHD Moments Later…

Okay – maybe I can just go grocery shopping and make dinner. So interesting how I have all these plans when I know that God only knows how my days will go.

This morning I messed up. I didn’t take time to pray and ask God for direction for my day.

Sometimes I get lost in my thoughts which leads to me feeling overwhelmed which in turn leads to me avoiding every responsibility.

Sometimes it feels like a JOB to get ready and leave the house.

Sometimes I let myself get distracted with all the things that don’t matter instead of focusing on the things that DO matter.

Sometimes it’s easier to just do nothing.

This is not how God wants us to live.

We are not living to please ourselves…

ADHD Moments do not have to get the best of me.

ADHD Moments do not have to get the best of you.

ADHD is a worldly name given to make us think that something is wrong with the way we are made. I’m telling you, God does not make mistakes. ADHD is not a mistake. We are fearfully and wonderfully made!

Verses like Romans 12:1 remind me to press on and fully rely on the GOOD LORD to help me do the things I need to do and take care of the family He has blessed me with ❤.

A Few ADHD Moments Later…
Quick Healthy Dinner
Chicken, Broccoli & Rice w/ Quinoa
– Groceries –

Thankful for the time God gave me to get dinner ready and go grocery shopping. It may seem like nothing to some, but for this mom… it’s HUGE on days where I’m lacking motivation. The Lord is my help and my strength today and every day!

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