ADHD | On Purpose / Learning Moments

Learning Moments – Late Night Grace

So….another day of “we’re going to get soooooo much done today” turned into 7 pm dinner. It’s really not the worst thing in the world except I “promised” the kids we would go back out so they could ride their bikes….which meant we would have to eat dinner, read Joshua Chapter 21 (because we are making our way through the Bible chapter by chapter!), go to my parents house so they can ride their bikes and be back home by 8pm for showers and bedtime.

THIS MOM DID NOT WANT TO GO THROUGH THAT. MY INSIDES WERE GREATLY IRRITATED. AFTER A DAY OF TIME SLIPPING AWAY (typical adhd problems lol….I just wanted to get one thing right….bedtime…but like what’s the point of rushing the kids to bed just so see them disappointed? I’m their mom. God gave them to me and I love seeing them joyful!)

Sooo….we ended up going because only the Lord knows what got us out of the house at 7:50pm. Who am I turning into?!! The kids are enjoying riding their bikes and it starts to get dark. We played, we laughed…it’s dark now. My mom gets home (because she is an out and about kind of woman lately!) and it all comes together. I won’t go into details but it was a GRACE-FILLED MOMENT THAT I WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER. God showed me why He brought us out of the house at “bedtime” hour. He never ceases to amaze me. His ways and thoughts are higher than ours. It’s true. Everything in His Word is true. He leads me to do the things that defy my “schedule” to show me His schedule is best. He is showing me how to go with His flow day by day, moment by moment. Yes, I am tired…..BUT I am thankful. I am blessed. This is ADHD living with a purpose.