Daily Joy / The Joy Part

John 10:27

Jesus Calling Devotional | July 25, 2020
Currently, I’m seeking direction for back to school vs back to e-learning. Praying to hear God’s voice over all the other voices. We need discernment. Ears that hear. Eyes that see. We walk by faith, not by sight! I’m completely reminding myself here!

Our Father in heaven, please help us hear YOUR VOICE LORD over all the noise of this world. Please lead us and guide us in the way we should go. You’ve made us all different and what is for one person may or may not be for the other person as we journey through this pandemic. Your will be done. Help us to hear YOU and follow YOU.

Please make it clear for your children. We need YOU. Thank you for your grace and loving kindness. Thank you for staying constant!

In Jesus Name, I pray, Amen.