Direction for Addiction / Learning Moments / LIGHT Moments / Part of the Moments / The Mental Health Part

Direction for Addiction – Sugar Cravings


This is God’s gift to me as He helps me kick this terrible sugar habit! I am so thankful God gives us things like this to enjoy here on earth. It’s all from our Father Who loves us. I’ve been praying about my eating lately, asking for help…trusting in God’s plan. This is a sweet reminder of how much He cares…even about the “little things”…

It’s better to be addicted to God, His love for us, His Word, hearing His Voice…because He can reach us wherever we are, with EXACTLY what we need, exactly how we need it . Even with something like good smelling Bath & Body Works products!…because He knows us each, individually ❤.

…but it is hard to hear Him when we are distracted with the enemy’s addiction traps…

Now, I can SMELL like everything I want to eat instead of actually eating everything I want to eat! ❤

James 1:17 ❤