Learning Moments / Mom Moments / Part of the Moments

Back to School? |Decisions – Decisions

I’ve been praying. I’ve been seeking answers from God on whether or not to send my kids to school. I’ve been listening. I’ve been looking. I asked for a clear answer…because whenever I ask Him for a clear answer, He always gives it to me.

Soooo…it happened. It happened today after my husband (yep, the one God blessed me to marry last year after years of us doing it all backwards – there’s a story there too – there’s always a story!) Anyway, it happened. My thing was I didn’t want to not send our kids to school out of fear because we know that FEAR IS A LIAR (singing….Feeeaaaarr isssssss a Liiiiiar – by Zack Williams – Thank you KLOVE, WBGL, Air One, YouTube – I’m never lost for a song). Okay, back to the story. We were in the car and my husband asked what we should do because we shouldn’t send them back to school and I’m like….well okay, I’m okay with them elearning….(in a very calm voice). Then I said …and if God has other plans He will move mountains to change things around! (I’ve been shouting in excitement of God’s goodness lately – usually gets a “huh? or a caught off guard reaction out of him – I love it! haha!) He goes on to say that we will need structure to make sure the kids take this school at home seriously. (COMPLETELY AGREE – NOT COMPLETELY SURE HOW IT WILL WORK OUT BUT 2 CORINTHIANS 5:7!).

We continue to discuss it and I tell him I’m good with our decision because it’s not out of fear. Most kids who are going back to school have no other option because parents have to work or other responsibilities. Most parents with a choice will have their kids attend school from home. In the best interest of the kids and staff who will be at school we feel the ones who can stay home should. Lessen the load on the school. All this to say that God helped me see that we can love others by thinking outside of ourselves in this decision. It’s not a decision out of fear. It’s a decision made in God directed wisdom, love for others and discernment. I’m so thankful for His Word and His Voice and His everlasting presence!

Yes it will be hard to have a kindergartener and a 5th grader and don’t forget our little rambunctious 3 year old preschooler…all learning together on different levels ….yes, it will be a challenge. Yes. Buuuuut GOD! Philippians 2:14 – I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME!
