ADHD Moments / Part of the Moments / The Mental Health Part

ADHD Moments | Bedtime Goals VS Real Actual Time

12:00pm | Okay I am determined to get the kids in bed by 8pm tonight!! I have so much time to do it all and be organized tonight!

5:00 pm | Is 7:30pm too early? Why haven’t I started making dinner yet?

6:00 pm | We HAVE TO WALK AFTER DINNER – We’ll be home in time to make the 8pm bedtime goal – no problem!

7:00pm | Okay so we are JUST NOW finishing dinner – Quick clean up and out the door so we can make it back home by 8pm.

8:00pm | We will walk around twice and make it home by 8:30pm

8:30pm | Kids need a snack because for some reason walking makes them hungry and we still have to read the Bible before bed!

9:00pm | Okay 9:30pm bedtime isn’t sooooo bad

9:30pm | Praying for the strength to not SNAP.

9:45pm | Kids in bed. I want to cry or eat or read my Bible or sleep but I’m so drained all I can do is sit here and think about how to make tomorrow’s bedtime earlier than 9:45pm. Haha!