Daily Joy / The Joy Part

II Corinthians 5:7

This is a powerful verse from the Word of God. Especially as we are facing uncertain times with the way things are LOOKING for back to school this year. It’s also a part of our Incredible Faith Family “mEmOry vErsE bAnk” – We use it a a quick chant. It goes like this:

PARENT: We walk by…

Kids: FAITH!

PARENT: and not by…

Kids: SIGHT!

It is important for us as children of light in this dark world to remember that our Father in heaven has a plan! We are His children and He helps us to believe what we can’t see. If we follow Jesus, He will lead us to life! It does not matter how it LOOKS. He will help us see beyond what it looks like. Our Father in heaven gives us the FAITH to believe and keep hoping even when we can’t see what’s ahead. Aaaaand…we don’t have to see what is ahead. If we knew everything that would defeat the purpose of us needing Him. We just have to take hold of His hand and keep going. One day at a time. One moment at a time. One minute at a time. One breath at a time.