ADHD Moments / Part of the Moments / The Mental Health Part

ADHD Moments | Lost in Time

ADHD is like when you see something and you get that lightbulb moment! …and then another light bulb moment within the first lightbulb…and then about five more sub-lightbulb moments spiking from the second one…and don’t forget the very first lightbulb moment … now you’re excited and going into planning mode all in your mind!…oh but wait….you should probably fold the clothes, wash another load, cook dinner, clean up, use the bathroom (because you’ve been holding it for who knows how long)….and don’t forget that really important thing your husband/significant other reminded you about earlier, that has to get done today….time to turn on the encouraging music to get me going….oh wait the kids! I should make some coffee before I forget…did someone just yell Mommy?…oh no who’s crying…! Okay, kids first! Solve problems like a super mom by reminding them of the joy God gives us all…play an encouraging song…everyone’s happy….great! Is it bedtime yet?

Nope 3 more hours. Good, that’s enough time for us to go for a walk and read the Bible before bed because we finally made it to Joshua (getting the kids to pay attention when I read the Bible is whole battle in itself – what snack are they going to eat this time?)… Wait a second, where did all of these toys come from???? I’m cleaning this up right now. Okay, now I have to use the bathroom because now it’s an emergency! Daydreaming about those earlier lightbulb moments while washing my hands… Time to check on the kids and their room is a mess. How did this happen. Tell the oldest to clean up, help the youngest clean up by doing it for him (because it takes too long to tell him what to do and i don’t have the time for that right now). Mine as well get their pjs ready for later, that’s one less thing to do. Remind them all that sharing is caring….and finally make it back downstairs. Now…what was I supposed to be doing???…!!!!!!…..start cleaning up again….and daydreaming until…

Kids: Mommy I’m hungry! Is it time to eat yet????